Trainings _Silences, 2021

SILENCES_TRAININGS  a @dadabarcelona project_ at MAMT


Movement / Sonority / Presence / Otherness

«We believe that establishing links between different disciplines and enjoying the silence in each of them brings clarity, calm and well-being. With this project we would like to shed some light, to feel that there is another possibility, to offer a new horizon: we want to teach everyone to stop! To find alternative paths in the noise and speed – of society – that avoids reflection in favour of constant evasion. 

We also want to leave a useful mark: to read the silence of others or of spaces and to be able to interpret them, to communicate without the need for speech or to create silence through presence. 

And finally, to set ourselves a challenge: to learn to take the time to do things, to know how to waste time and to find our own silences!» .


We face silence from our creation and transform it into a dialogue with ourselves. We consider silence as part of the creative processes and we generate a moment of connection with ourselves and with others; we try to generate a new value in our daily life, through our actions, in the little things that form our self.

Podcast 62_


Silence when contemplating

Silence for me… is the space that surrounds us when there is no hurry, no effort, nor expectations: a beginning. Silence would be a beginning. This silence understood as a state of calm – a slow and leisurely state – is not a sign of our time and should be a universal right.
To my work… When I work in the studio, when I don’t do, I am in silence and this silence gives me a lot of strength.
An image of silence… would be to contemplate a desert landscape, to contemplate a blank sheet of paper, to contemplate!

@silencis  a dadabarcelona project at MAMT 

photos  @hleb_masha 


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