Tones collection 2022

TONES COLLECTION for NANI MARQUINA consists of four carpet models with color as a central tool.

The Tones rugs arise from the exploration and subsequent reinterpretation of the traditional way of constructing a rug, where an outer frame with a series of central elements has always predominated. With the Pieces model, the exercise is the opposite, in it I distribute the remnants in the center, I compose it in a melodic way showing my creative process.

The collection boasts an infinite richness of tonalities, highlighting the chromatic harmony that in a certain way refers to musical notes.

The colors of the Tones collection are born from the instruments of an orchestra, the tan colors of the stringed instruments, the colors of the wind instruments, the grays and blues, the ochers of the percussion, etc. From this chromatic universe the forms appeared and then I only had to play to compose them in a way that was reproducible in different scales and harmonies.

Going from my usual medium, painting, to the nuances and textures provided by fibers and wool has been a very interesting challenge.

To discover the collection link Nani Marquina 

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