Silla 8 AOO 2019-2020

Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells Work in progress
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells in her studio
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells Studio
Silla 8 - Show at alzueta gallery
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells
Silla 8 - Claudia Valsells
Silla 8 - Exhibition - Claudia Valsells



A project with AOO where I created and designed the different colour combinations for ‘8 Chair’.

The 8 Chair is the result of an AOO exercise where flat sheets of plywood are bent, under pressure and in a simple way, using different structures as support, achieving instantaneously and without moulds to generate what ends up being seats and backs. The resulting piece is formed by two frames joined together and stripped of any decorative element that, together with the backrest and seat, generate a comfortable, lightweight and plastically unique chair.

To enhance its visual uniqueness, the artist Claudia Valsells has developed a series of colour combinations that denote her exploration of beauty. The chair transmits us the tactility of the work through the palette; because what can be touched is tangible and brings us closer to its reality. Each chair is painted in more than one color to emphasize the meaning of each one when it enters in contrast with the others.

This proposal is the result of a collaboration that normally does not occur in the world of art and design, is a dialogue between disciplines that converge in a common and unlikely end point for each of the participants and also an excuse between two professionals that ends with a good friendship.

If we had to design a chair we would talk about the conceptual and formal process of an object. If we had to talk about colour we would talk about texture and paint, about tones and shades. And here we talk about adding two languages and a single idea: a series of chairs shaped in a plastic exercise and the chromatic development that enhances, perhaps, their uniqueness. The object is raised piece by piece and is given a different value: the sense is decontextualized and a new proposal grows.

Material: Structure in solid poplar and seat and back in poplar plywood
Finish: Pigment applied by brush and finished with semi-matt water-based varnish.

images © yosigoyosigo

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